The highest-quality products deserve the highest-quality packaging

EJ VICTOR realiseerde een verlaging van 10 procent in transportschade met een On Demand Packaging®-oplossing.
20% decrease in corrugated used
5-10% decrease in shipping damages
10% increase in production throughput

De uitdaging: 

Protecting fine furniture requires a lot of box inventory

EJ Victor is a 25 year-old company that specializes in high-quality furniture. Its products are hand-crafted with valuable materials and master craftsmen. So naturally, making sure the products are shipped safely and without damages is imperative. Unfortunately, this led to a large box inventory that occupied a lot of floor space and a lot of time spent searching for and assembling boxes.

"Een van de grote voordelen van Packsize is dat we een doos kunnen maken die precies aan onze behoeften voldoet. We hoeven geen spullen op voorraad te hebben en hebben dus niet veel vloeroppervlak nodig. We kunnen dat vloeroppervlak voor iets beters gebruiken."
Mark McKinney
Manager van stoffeerderij
Ej Victor

De oplossing:

Reduce clutter, labor, & costs with Packsize

Since switching to Packsize, EJ Victor has experienced a lot more simplicity. Its warehouse has a lot less clutter and a lot more floorspace. It has reduced overall packaging and freight costs. It has been able to move an employee away from packaging while still moving more product through its shipping lines. And perhaps most importantly, it has experienced a 10 percent reduction in shipping damages.